8449 South 150 West, Midvale, UT 84047

March 21, 2023 – Minutes

Time: 3:30 PM

Location: Copperview Elementary Conference Room

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes:  Approved

Agenda Items: 

  • Continue TSSP and LandTrust plan for upcoming school year
    • Continue with current overarching goal
      • Utilize the community school model to engage all stakeholders in increasing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high quality learning experiences to improve student learning. 
    • Academic Goals (Academic Area and Measurement)
      • ELA: By May 26, 2024, at least 50 percent of students will meet or exceed expected rates of improvement as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress
        • USBE K-3 goal is at least 60% of students will meet or exceed expected rates of improvement as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
        • Copperview 2023 midyear data indicate that 40.2% of students have met or exceeded expected rates of improvement as measured by Reading Acadience Pathways of Progress
      • Math: By May 26, 2024, at least 57 percent of students will meet or exceed expected rates of improvement as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.
        • Copperview’s 2023 midyear data indicate that 47 percent of students have met or exceeded expected rates of improvement as measured by Mathematics Acadience Pathways of Progress.
      • Data Collection Plan
        • Pathways of Progress is a tool for interpreting Acadience scores that provides an evaluation of individual student growth or improvement over time, compared to other students with the same level of initial skills. Baseline data will be collected in the Fall through benchmark assessment and the Pathways of Progress measures will be used throughout the year, with final measures occurring at Spring Benchmark.
      • Action Plan Summary
        • Through school and district common assessments, we have found that students need additional time understanding the academic language associated with math core standards. Copperview will utilize the Systematic Vocabulary routine to provide clear, concise vocabulary instruction presenting the meaning and contextual examples of words through multiple examples.  To develop content and needed background knowledge we will utilize the community school model to engage all stakeholders in increasing student content knowledge and language acquisition through high quality learning experiences to improve student learning.  This will occur through the following steps identified below:
    • School Climate Goals:
      • By May 26, 2024, at least 80% of students will be able to identify the three school rules (safe, kind and responsible).
      • By May 26, 2024, at least 80% of students will be able to identify at least one school wide expectation for a given location (i.e. hallway, cafeteria, restroom, recess).
      • By May 26, 2024, Copperview will decrease chronic absenteeism by 15 percent.
    • New Budget items:
      • CSI USBE status adds about $26,000 for professional learning and development
      • Addition of full-time STEM Instructional Tech 
      • FTE – 4th/5th: one additional general education teacher will be utilized to decrease class size impacting overall student safety and instructional support (.5 for 4th grade, .5 to maintain the full-time BTS)
      • .5 Assistant Principal
  • Complete Signature form – All attendees in agreement with School Improvement Plan for 2023-24 school year
  • Approval of Next Month’s Agenda – No Agenda items at this time

Parent Member




Employee Member



Stephanie Dickey




Colleen Smith



Dolores Gonzales




Pamela Schuller



Phillip Jones



Selma Goebel



Sandra Mendoza




Jenna Landward



Yazmin Mendoza




Attendees: Josie McClendon, Lorrie Judd