8449 South 150 West, Midvale, UT 84047

PTA Minutes – September 8th, 2023

Copperview Elementary School

September 2023, PTA Meeting Minutes

General Meeting


Date, Time, Location: September 8, 2023, 9:00am in the break roo

Meeting called to order by:  Tara Roner(Treasure) at 9:05am

Attendance:  Josie McClendon, Tara Ronér(6), Lizeth Flores, Angela Mendoza, Sandra Mendoza, Anyerin Nuñez, Colleen Smith,Jenna Lanward & Lorrie Judd(8)

New Business

Budget Update – Tara passed out and went over the Budget for 2023-2024.  Our PTA has 11 paid members as of today.  Tara asked for a vote to approve the proposed budget, Lorrie Judd motioned for approval and all present voted Yes, and Tara had Suzan Tibbitts look at the Budget and Suzan also voted Yes.  The 2023-2024 Budget was approved.

School Carnival – PTA will have a table and if parent(s) sign up to be a PTA Member, their child(ren) will get a Cougar Paw Face Paint and maybe an Otter Pop.  Jenna will contact her daughters school’s PTA to see where they got the paw stamp so we can obtain one.

Scholastic Dollars – Josie used our dollars before they expire and purchased Halloween & Christmas Bookmarks for the kids’ goodie bags. Jenna said she would like these bookmarks for “Reading Across America” Week

September Teacher’s Dinner(during Parent/Teacher Conference) – Wednesday 9/27.  Tara will order Pizza Pie Cafe, Suzan Tibbitts will bring a veggie tray, Lizeth & Lorrie will bring salad, Josie will bring salad dressing, Yasmin will bring cookies, Sandra will bring chips, Flan will also be brought. Food will be ready by 3pm

Book Fair(9/27 4-8pm, 9/28 2-7pm)The books should be delivered on the 19th, Josie will need help setting them up before she leaves on vacation. Lorrie will help with the setup.  Colleen will put in the PTA Newsletter for sign-ups to help.  Colleen will communicate to the teachers that they each will have Scholastic Dollars to use. 

Zupas Fundraiser Nights – Lorrie scheduled our 4 nights.  They are Wednesday, Nov. 8th, Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, Wednesday, Mar. 13th and Tuesday, May 14th.  All will be from 4-9pm at the Quarry Bend location

Classic Family Skate Nights – These are scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th and Friday, October 13th.  It was asked if we could change March 26th to Friday, May 3rd?   **Update: The Tuesday March 26th date has now been changed to Friday, May 10th** The Friday, May 3rd was already taken

All PTA Communication – All communications must go through Colleen for approval and she will put them on ParentSquare

No Fuss Fundraiser (March 4-14th) – Colleen would like to have the PTA collect pajamas for the kids instead of the stuffed animals. Josie will contact the other PTA’s to see if they are willing to help us out.  Jenna said that her community connections might be willing to help us out also.   Colleen & Jenna will change the dates of Copperview’s Penny Pride Fundraiser to allow the PTA more time to collect the pajamas. 

Next Meeting – Friday, October 13th in the Staff Breakroom

Meeting Adjourned – 10:00am by Josie

Meeting Notes – Lorrie Judd

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