8449 South 150 West, Midvale, UT 84047

PTA Agenda & Minutes – August 2023

Copperview Elementary School

August 2023, PTA Meeting Minutes

General Meeting

Date, Time, Location: August 14, 2023, 9:00am in the break room

Meeting called to order by:  Josie McClendon(President) at 9:15am

Attendance:  Josie McClendon, Tara Roner, Lizeth Flores & Lorrie Judd

New Business:

Classic Fun Center Family Nights: Friday October 13th 5-9pm & Tuesday March 26th 5-9pm

Budget Update: Tara passed out there “Proposed Budget Worksheet for all to see

Free Coke Days: Lithia will be having the can sodas changed to bottle sodas so the cost will go up.  The new cost will be $200-$230 for the year.

Hearing Tests:Susan(Nurse) needs help issuing the hearing tests on August 30th from 8:30-10:30.  Tara will send out an email for volunteers

Back to School Luncheon – Desserts (8/16): Candance, Tara, Lizeth.  Lunch Menu will be: Lunchmeat, Sandwich Bread, Chips, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Veggie Tray(Susan).  We have 60 staff members and have some that are Gluten Free, No Dairy, No Avocados, No Bananas and Vegan.

Scholastic Dollars: Josie will use our $’s before they expire and purchase Halloween & Christmas Bookmarks for the kids goodie bags. 

September Teacher’s Dinner: (during Parent/Teacher Conference) – 9/27.  Tara will order Pizza Pie Cafe and we will also have Salad, Dessert & Drinks

Book Fair: Josie won’t be here for the Parent/Teacher Conferences Sept. 27th(2-4pm) & 28th(2-7pm) and needs help running it.  Tara will take care of the petty cash for it.  Nicole, Tara, Lorrie & Lizeth will help out.  Susan will help if needed.

Need Board Members for next year – This will be Josie, Tara & Lorrie’s last years.  We will have a PTA table set-up at each event(Mom’s Matter, Pro Dad’s, etc)

Back To School Night – August 17th – PTA will have a table with flyers to hand out and the QR Code to scan and will hand out Otter Pops to the whole family if they sign-up to be a PTA Member.

Zupas Fundraiser Nights – Lorrie will get in touch with Jessica and schedule our 4 nights this school year

Stuffed Animals – Josie wants to start collecting new/slightly used stuffed animals in November for our “No Fuss Fundraiser” in April.

Next Meeting – Friday, September 8th in the break room at 9:00am

Meeting Adjourned – 10:00am by Josie

Meeting Notes – Lorrie Judd