Dear Copperview Families,
We look forward to seeing our parents and families at Parent Teacher Conferences this Wednesday, March 2 and Thursday, March 3. Thursday will be an early out day, students will be released at 1:40pm. Friday, March 4 there is no school. If you did not sign-up for a conference time on ParentSquare, you will receive a letter from your child’s teacher of your assigned date and time. Make sure to visit the Media Center during Parent Teacher Conferences for the Book Fair that benefits our Copperview PTA. In the gymnasium all LOST and FOUND items will be displayed on tables. The Tyler Library, additional resources and ParentSquare support will also be in the gym during conferences.
This month we’re celebrating literacy! Read Across America Week is February 28 – March 3. Each grade has chosen a book for their students to read and eventually take home. Tuesday, March 8 and Thursday, March 10 volunteers are invited to join classrooms for fun literacy activities that are linked to their new books. Register to volunteer at this LINK. Last week, students brought home a reading calendar. Keep track of the minutes your student reads and turn it in at the end of the month for a chance at some really cool prizes provided by our Copperview PTA.
Make sure to check out two awesome opportunities to support our school: The Penny Pride Fundraiser and Copperview Career Day!
PENNY PRIDE - March 1 -15
Copperview’s annual fundraiser to raise money for school field trips.
HOW IT WORKS: Each grade level has their own jar for collecting money. Gain points by adding pennies and dollars to your grade level jar. Subtract points from other grades by adding silver coins to their jars. Grade levels compete to see who has the most positive points in their jars by March 15th!

WE NEED YOU! Come share your career with our students at our Career Day. Grades 1 – 5 This is a great opportunity for the students to “show-off” their parents/family members and learn about new careers!
- Career Day Rotations will begin at 9:15am and end at 10:30am (Presenters are asked to come at 8:55am)
- Those interested please visit this REGISTRATION LINK
- Interpreters will be available for those that request them.
Coaches Corner

Did you know that March is National Women’s History Month?
What a great time to head to the library and check out some biographies or autobiographies of famous women! You can also find some great biographies on the National Women’s History Museum website. Take some time to read these with your kiddos and learn about some amazing women. Keep up the good work with reading!!
Digital Citizenship

Parents know firsthand the impact a poor night’s sleep has on kids. Lack of sleep can contribute to crankiness, problems with attention and learning, behavior issues, and even health problems such as obesity. Though the reasons for poor sleep vary, there’s growing evidence that media and technology interfere with bedtime routines and sleep. Learn more from Common Sense about how to help your kid get a good night’s sleep at https://cnyns.org/3iQHsSb (Links to an external site.)
Los padres saben de primera mano el efecto que una mala noche de sueño tiene en los niños. La falta de sueño puede contribuir a mal genio, problemas de atención y aprendizaje, problemas de conducta y aún problemas de salud tales como la obesidad. Aunque las razones para el sueño pobre varían, hay cada vez más evidencia de que la multimedia y la tecnología interfieren con las rutinas de ir a la cama y dormir. Apena más de Common Sense acerca de cómo ayudar a su hijo a tener una buena noche de sueño en https://cnyns.org/3iQHsSb.
Community School
The Dentist is coming to our school! On March 17th a state licensed dentist will check your child’s mouth and teeth, as well as provide a dental cleaning. X-rays, fluoride treatment, sealants, and additional care, such as fillings, may also be provided as necessary. Permission forms were sent home. Or you can sign-up online at https://www.myschooldentist.com/31813_schsrm.
Upcoming Dates
Feb 28 – Mar 3 Read Across America Week
1-15 Penny Pride School Fundraiser
2-3 Parent Teacher Conferences
2-3 PTA Book Fair
3 Elementary Early Out
4 NO SCHOOL – Compensatory Day
7-11 School Social Worker Week
10 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
11 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
15 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
18 Career Day
23. Mobile Vision and Medical Clinic
25 Remote Learning Day
30 Spring Pictures
31 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
4-8 NO SCHOOL – Spring Recess
4-8 National Assistant Principals’ Week
12 School Librarian Appreciation Day
15 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
18 Trimester 3 Midterm
19 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
22 Volunteer Recognition Day
22 Remote Learning Day
26 School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
27 Administrative Professionals Day
2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
5 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
6 School Lunch Hero Day
9 Kindergarten 2022-2023 Orientation
11 School Nurse Day
13 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
17 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
20 Last Day of Kindergarten
20 End of Year Awards
25 Field Day
26 Last Day of School (grades 1-5)