Wednesday & Thursday, September 22 & 23
(During Parent Teacher Conferences)
3:30 – 6:30PM
Location: Copperview Gymnasium
Reduced and no-cost flu vaccines will be available to individuals and families who are uninsured and unable to pay. Those with insurance, please bring your insurance cards with you.
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – Sept. 22-23 They will be held in your child’s classroom, if you have not signed up on ParentSquare please do so by today.
PTA SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Sept. 22/23 – Come support our fabulous PTA in media center at Copperview during Parent Teacher Conferences.
NO AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Wednesday Sept 22 through Friday Sept 24.
NO SCHOOL Sept. 24 Friday
CHIP – Children’s Health Insurance Program. Do you need help applying or have questions? Rebecca Vazquez, the CSD representative, is happy to help and you can call her at 801-826-7272. CHIP covers dental, well child exams, immunizations, prescriptions, and many other services. Look for the Insurance booth at Parent Teacher Conferences in the Gymnasium for more information and help enrolling your child.
Big Smiles Dental Clinic – We had a large number of families requesting to see the dentist this week. The first 30 students who returned their applications were seen by the dentist. If your child was not seen and you would like resources for local dental services, please contact Jenna Landward at 801-826-8169.
Download the ParentSquare App!

All district and school, grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices).
Families should have received an activation email for their ParentSquare account. Those who do not register will still receive text, email, and phone notifications. Parents who do create an account can interact by viewing photos, downloading attachments, leaving comments, messaging teachers, signing permission slips and managing their communication settings and preferences.
Visit the ParentSquare Booth in the Gymnasium at Parent Teacher Conferences for assistance with ParentSquare!