United Way Day of Caring
Our annual Day of Caring was a big success! Volunteers from United Way and CHG Healthcare restocked our classroom emergency kits, cleaned up our school grounds, and beautified our faculty lounge. We’re so grateful for these partnerships to make our school a better place!
SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL – We’re excited to announce that Stephanie Dickey and Rosa Graterol have been appointed to our School Community Council (SCC). Because we received the same number of nominations as there were SCC seats available, no election was necessary. Please welcome our two new SCC members; thank you for serving in this important role.
Social Emotional Learning
This month, our schoolwide theme is skills for learning: listening, focusing attention, using self-talk to stay on-task, and being assertive when asking for help with a learning task. In our morning announcements, we’ll be reminding students of these skills, which help students be successful learners.
Second Step lessons teach skills for learning. You’ll be receiving Home Links describing why these skills are important and including fun activities to do with your child to practice them. We hope you enjoy them!
Please tell your child’s teacher if you’d like more suggestions about supporting skills for learning at home.
September's Digital Citizenship Tip

How much screen time is too much? With any screen media, you want to look at how it engages your child. Maximize your child’s screen time by considering the “four C’s”: Connection, Critical Thinking, Creativity, & Context. Visit CSD’s “Digital Wellness (Links to an external site.)” page to learn more.
Picture Day - September 14

Picture Day flyers have been sent home!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Sign-up for Parent Teacher Conferences on ParentSquare! Contact your child’s teacher if you need support. We can’t wait to meet with our parents and families on September 22 and 23!