8449 South 150 West, Midvale, UT 84047

Home Communication – October 22

The Halloween Parade will be held on Friday, October 29, 2021 and is scheduled to begin at 9:15 AM.

All students should wear their costumes to school.  Students should bring a change of clothing and following the parade will change into their regular school clothes.

Additional Information to Allow for the Best Experience for All:

  • Costumes
    • Students may not wear masks or other items that minimize their vision.
    • Weapons (real and facsimile) are not permitted.
    • We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but avoid blood and gore as part of their costumes.
  • Parade Route (outdoor)
    • To ensure student safety and provide a fun experience for students, parents, and teachers we will use the parade route map (image above).
    • The parade will begin at 9:15 through the classrooms and should begin to arrive outdoors for family viewing approximately 10 minutes later.
    • Limited family seating to view the parade will be available outdoors on the north side and the front of the building.  Family members may also bring their own lawn chairs or stand behind the row of chairs.
    • As a safety precaution, to limit mass gathering in enclosed space, we will not have indoor family seating available this year.
    • The student parade will use the sidewalk in the front of the building. Parents are welcome to view the parade from the grass on either side.
    • To minimize traffic, please arrive early and avoid leaving prior to the end of the parade.

Canyons to Bring Back Six ‘Remote-Learning Fridays’

In acknowledgement of the continued pressures faced by teachers and staff as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canyons Board of Education has approved a plan to set aside six Fridays in the coming months for student remote learning and teacher preparation and planning.

The first “Remote-Learning Friday” will fall on Nov. 5, 2021, giving families time to adjust their schedules. Thereafter, the Administration will schedule five additional remote-learning Fridays. The schedule will take into account schools that are on a rolling ABAB calendar so as to avoid a disproportionate share of the Fridays falling on A or B days.

Remote Fridays are days of learning. Students are expected to use the time for independent study and will be provided learning packets or access to assignments on CSD’s common online-learning management system, Canvas.

Teachers will report to school for work and use the time to collaborate with peers, create lesson and intervention plans, and provide any needed outreach to students. They will also hold office hours by appointment for students and parents.

“The goal here is to support teachers in supporting students. Teachers need more planning and collaboration time to ensure students have the resources they need to excel, and students need more time to catch up on unfinished learning,” said Canyons Assistant Superintendent Dr. Bob Dowdle.

Similar to last year, teachers are reporting increased rates of exhaustion, stress, and burnout due in part to staffing shortages but also to student absenteeism, which requires additional instruction and remediation.

The Canyons Board of Education will consider at an upcoming meeting the proposed schedule for future remote-learning Fridays. As soon as the schedule is finalized, families will be directly notified through the District’s official communication channels.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

10.25-19.29 Red Ribbon Week
10.29 Halloween Parade (9:15 AM)
11.4 Mobile Food Bank
11.5 Remote Learning Friday

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