Happy Earth Day!
Copperview Cougars celebrated Earth Day by cleaning up our school grounds! Our students learned about the importance of taking care of their environment and their community.

THE SANDY CLUB SUMMER PROGRAM – A nine week summer program for children ages 6 to 12. Located next to Sandy Elementary School. $30 one time enrollment fee per child. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, APRIL 26TH!
MOBILE FOOD BANK – Tuesday, April 27th from 3:00 – 4:00pm. All Copperview families are eligible to receive free food. Come to the back of the school, East entrance. Masks are required to enter the building.
RISE TESTING begins this week for all 3rd-5th students both online and in-person. This is a chance for students to show what they have learned this year!
MIDVALE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB – Current club members registration begins, Monday April 26th – 30th. Open Registration for new members is Monday, May 3, 2021. For more information email paustin@gslclubs.org or call 801-256-9008.