The Halloween Parade will be held on Friday, October 29, 2021 and is scheduled to begin at 9:15 AM.
All students should wear their costumes to school. Students should bring a change of clothing and following the parade will change into their regular school clothes.
Additional Information to Allow for the Best Experience for All:
- Costumes
- Students may not wear masks or other items that minimize their vision.
- Weapons (real and facsimile) are not permitted.
- We encourage students to be creative with their costumes, but avoid blood and gore as part of their costumes.
- Parade Route
- Parents are invited to attend the parade. Please watch for route and seating information in an upcoming newsletter.

By now, parents across the country have been alerted to the “Devious Licks” TikTok trend that encourages students to steal or damage school property. We want to thank you for your efforts to strongly discourage your students from participating in this destructive activity. We have since learned of additional monthly TikTok “challenges” that encourage students to participate in more disruptive, illegal, and even assaultive behaviors. The latest online “challenge” urges students to video record themselves slapping teachers or school staff members. To be clear, this will not be tolerated. Our school will continue to ensure that students understand our expectations for acceptable behavior. The consequences for the assault of school personnel, or vandalized or stolen school property, may lead to the involvement of law enforcement or disciplinary action in line with Canyons District policies. These continued “challenges” also represent a teachable moment as they highlight the peer pressure students sometimes encounter on social media — one of many topics that our school will be addressing during Digital Citizenship Week. This is a good opportunity to discuss with your child how to use technology safely and responsibly. We love Copperview and are proud of our students. We want this to be a safe and positive place of learning and want everyone to show their Cougar pride. Thank you for your support.
SafeUT App - Safety Reporting Resource
The SafeUT app provides 24/7 access to crisis counseling and school tip reporting for students and their parents/guardians that live in the state of Utah. After installing the app you can connect directly to the UNI CrisisLine or report a confidential tip on bullying, school threats of violence or a concern about someone in crisis.

Upcoming Events
10.13 School Picture Make-up Day
10.14-10.15 NO SCHOOL – Fall Break
10.19 School Community Council Meeting (3:30, School Library
10.20 Mobile Vision and Medical Clinics
10.25-10.29 Red Ribbon Week
10.29 Halloween Parade