8449 South 150 West, Midvale, UT 84047

From our February Newsletter

Dear Copperview Community,

January was a wonderfully full month at Copperview Elementary.  We enjoyed fabulous learning opportunities each day, and actually celebrated our 100th day in school.  As I’ve considered all that occurred in January, I’m reminded about the power of our families and community in supporting these precious children.  Our day without water (January 15), was further testament about the commitment of our families and community.  I was so impressed to witness the sacrifices and flexibility of our staff, students and community.  It reminded me of the focus on celebration that we’ve been striving to live at Copperview, realizing  “there’s far more right with the world than there is wrong with it”.

Other January experiences involved family and community engagements: monthly Student of the Month, Family Math Night, and Moms Matter. As we continue to work together in supporting this next generation of leaders, we can accomplish great things.

Please join us for additional activities in coming months, including . . .
                  – Kindness Week – February 10-14
                  – Penny Wars – Beginning February 18
                  – All Pro Dads – February 21
                  – Parent Teacher Conferences – February 26 & 27 (Don’t miss the parent portal to sign-up!)
                  – Literacy Night – March 3

As always, please know how grateful we are to work with you and your students at Copperview Elementary.  I encourage everyone to  continue to see the world based on possibilities and celebrate the best in it.

Principal, Jeri Rigby

Upcoming Dates!

Feb. 7       Give Kids a Smile at Roseman Dental  from 9:00am – 4:00pm. Free dental screenings and cleanings for children 18 and under. [10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan, 84095 | 801-878-1200]

Feb. 10 – 14     Random Act of Kindness Week Did you know that being kind has lots of benefits? Not just for the receiver, but to the giver as well.  Copperview cougars are celebrating kindness all week long with lots of fun activities.  Look for the KINDNESS BINGO card in your child’s backpack!

Mon.    Feb. 17  Make-up Snow Day – President’s Day (School in Session)

Feb      Feb. 18 – Mar. 2  Penny Wars Fundraiser for school field trips.  

Feb. 21   ALL PRO DAD at 8:00 – 8:40am Team up with other dad’s and kids at our school for a breakfast and fun. You’ll take away some great tips and resources to help you be the best dad you can be, and strengthen your relationship too!

Tues.    Feb. 25   Mobile Food Bank at 3:00 – 4:00pm. Come to the back of the school to receive 20 lbs. of free food.

Feb. 26 – 27  Parent Teacher Conferences – Remember to sign up and look for reminders in backpacks! Check on your student’s progress. Ask questions. Don’t miss our PTA Book Fair!

Thurs.   Feb. 27   Early Dismissal Day 1:40pm

Feb. 28             No School!

Tues.    Mar. 3   Literacy Night at Copperview! 6:00 – 7:15pm. Dinner, Reading activities and Prizes!  Reading aloud to children has been called the single most important activity for helping kids become successful readers! 

Fri.       Mar. 13      Moms Matter at 8:20am. Moms, aunts, grandmas and female role models, come enjoy a breakfast treat and a 20 minute class on ways to engage in your students’ education.

Mar. 16 – 20     Census Week. Census results help inform how federal funding is allocated to communities for programs and services that are critical for schools, students and young children. Make sure to complete the 2020 Census!

Wed.    Mar. 18   5th Grade Maturation at 1:30pm. Look for permission forms being sent home in March! 

Mar. 24 & 31    Two Mobile Food Banks this month! 3:00 – 4:00pm at the back of the school. All Copperview families can receive 20 pounds of food for free!

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