Kindness Month!

Dear Copperview Families,
February is Kindness Month! Classrooms will be focusing on six concepts of kindness: respect, caring, inclusion, integrity, responsibility, and courage. Students will also be given PBIS points for our school store when they show random acts of kindness throughout their day. Grade levels will be competing to earn KIND points each week and the grade level with the most KIND points will earn a mystery prize. Our Kindness BINGO challenge will also be sent home this week. Kindness BINGO are activities to spread kindness in our school and community. Please help your student(s) complete the BINGO card to be entered into a raffle for big prizes!
The work to create a kinder world never ends. There is no limit on the amount of goodness we can put into the world and we can use your help! Here are some kindness conversation starters to ask your student(s):
- What did you do today that was kind?
- What does kindness mean to you?
- Why do you think it’s important to be kind?
- How does being kind to someone else make you feel?
- How do you think other people feel when you are kind to them?
- What are some ways we can be kind?
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
– Leo Buscaglia
Coaches Corner
For the love of Math!!!
It is so important to read with our children every day to help them progress and learn to enjoy reading. But, what about math? We can make math real and important in our children’s everyday lives as well. Please take a moment to look at this article on that gives some insight into how to “instill a love of math” in our children and make math a daily part of our lives.
You can also find age appropriate math activities in the Learn and Grow section on the website as well.
Digital Citizenship
It may seem obvious that eating dinner with your family is a good thing. Research provides plenty of support for the importance of family dinner for kids: learning vocabulary, fewer behavior problems, less substance abuse, and healthier eating are some of the positive outcomes.
So, when you have a family dinner, commit to putting devices away from those 30 minutes (or, if you have small children, the six minutes of dinner!). Learn more about device-free dinners at
Upcoming News and Events
GIVE KIDS A SMILE– FREE Dental Screenings and Cleanings this Friday, February 4!
- Where: Roseman University; 10894 S. River Front Pkwy, South Jordan 84095
- When: Friday, February 4
- Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- What: Children 18 and under receive a voucher to retun for a FREE comprehnsive exam, x-rays, sealants, and up to $50 of additional dental care.
ORDER AT HOME COVID TESTS at this website:
FREE FARES ON UTA in FEBRUARY – For the month of February there is no fee to ride on Utah Transit Authority buses, Trax, and trains!
REMOTE LEARNING DAYS in FEBRUARY – Friday, February 4 and Friday, February 11
4 Remote Learning Day
10 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
11 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
11 Remote Learning Day
14 Valentine’s Day Class Parties
15 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
21 NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day
25 End of Trimester 2
1-7 Penny Pride School Fundraiser
2-3 Parent Teacher Conferences
2-3 PTA Book Fair
3 Elementary Early Out
4 NO SCHOOL – Compensatory Day
7-11 Read Across America Week
7-11 School Social Worker Week
10 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
11 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
15 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
25 Remote Learning Day
30 Spring Pictures
31 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
4-8 NO SCHOOL – Spring Recess
4-8 National Assistant Principals’ Week
12 School Librarian Appreciation Day
15 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
18 Trimester 3 Midterm
19 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
22 Volunteer Recognition Day
22 Remote Learning Day
26 School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
27 Administrative Professionals Day
2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
5 Mobile Food Bank (3:00-4:00PM)
6 School Lunch Hero Day
9 Kindergarten 2022-2023 Orientation
11 School Nurse Day
13 PTA Meeting (9:00 AM)
17 School Community Council (SCC) Meeting (3:30PM)
20 Last Day of Kindergarten
20 End of Year Awards
25 Field Day
26 Last Day of School (grades 1-5)