We have been problem solving around helping our students enjoy the day safely and making happy memories this year. In working with our PTA, School Community Council and faculty, we have made the following plan under our health and safety guidelines. We hope to provide a fun, engaging experience for every student. Please read carefully as there are some deadlines and changes in how we will be holding our Valentine’s Day activities this year.
Student Valentines
Students may bring valentines to school on Monday, February 8. Because valentines are coming from home, valentines will be held in quarantine in the student’s classroom until the class activity on February 11.
While optional, a wrapped, store bought treat can be included.
If your family would like support with providing valentines due to economic hardship, the school has valentines for students to share with their class. Please let your child’s teacher know you would like a class set for your child.
Valentine Bags
The school will provide an envelope for each student to place valentines from classmates in. Students will be to decorate the envelope during brain booster class. Students will not be allowed to bring boxes or bags this year from home. This will help us with minimizing the need to quarantine items or sanitize surfaces. The school will provide everything needed.
Big thanks to PTA for providing a small treat to every student in the school and helping to arrange all the envelopes and supplies for students.
Online/Parent Led Families
School staff will be delivering a small Valentine Gift to individual homes on Friday, February 12th.